Trading places international
Trading places international

trading places international

In other words, Winthorpe and Valentine have contracts allowing them to buy millions of pounds of orange juice in April for 29 cents a pound, and to sell it for $1.42 a pound. When the price hits 29 cents a pound, Winthorpe and Valentine start agreeing to buy orange juice in April. All those traders who, a minute ago, were buying all they could, now suddenly need to sell. To the traders, this means that the price of OJ is not going to go through the roof. Buy Low, Get Rich And Bankrupt Your Enemies The guy tells the world that the orange crop is fine.ĥ. On the TV, the secretary of agriculture walks up to a podium and reads the orange crop report. The Duke brothers see this, and believe the price of OJ will rise.Ī minute later, everything on the trading floor goes quiet. The fake crop report says the crop was bad. So Winthorpe and Valentine create a fake crop report that they put into the hands of the Duke brothers. When the rest of the world learns this, the price of OJ will fall. The report says the orange crop is strong. But Winthorpe and Valentine find out what the Dukes are up to, and they manage to steal the crop report before the Duke brothers get it. This will give them inside information on what's going to happen in the market for frozen concentrated orange juice. The Duke brothers - two old, rich guys - have bribed someone to get an advance copy of a government report on the orange crop. He walked me through every step of Winthorpe and Valentine's plan.ġ. I recently talked to Tom Peronis, a guy who has spent years trading OJ options. But what actually happens? How does it work? Sure, Louis Winthorpe (Dan Aykroyd) and Billy Ray Valentine (Eddie Murphy) get rich, and the Duke brothers lose all their money. And, to be honest, I never really understood what happened at the end of that movie. It's been 30 years since Trading Places came out.

Trading places international